Common Knowledge: Output Iterator Adapters

Once again, uncommonly cogent wisdom - this time about output iterators, suitable for use by trolls and other serious programmers.

February 01, 2002

February 2002/Common Knowledge

In the last installment of this column, we examined how to design generic algorithms for flexibility and efficiency. In this installment we’ll look at an indirect mechanism for algorithm customization: the design of output iterator adapters. In effect, a properly designed iterator adapter can be used to customize a generic algorithm as effectively as production of an entirely new algorithm.

Standard Adapters

Let’s start with a look at two singularly pleasant and useful iterator adapters drawn from the C++ Standard library. Consider the problem of copying a sequence into a container. The best procedure is generally to leverage an existing generic algorithm, since this approach has the advantage of correctness, efficiency, reuse, and self-documentation.

extern vector<State> &src;
list<State> res;
copy( src.begin(), src.end(),
    res.begin() ); // boom.

The problem is that the copy algorithm assumes the result sequence is large enough to hold the source sequence; no checking is (or, generally, can be) done.

template <typename In, typename Out>
Out copy( In b, In e, Out r ) {
    while( b != e ) {
        *r = *b; // problem area
    return r;

We could preallocate a result sequence of the appropriate length, but this is potentially wasteful and definitely socially gauche [1].

list<State> res2( src.size() );
copy( src.begin(), src.end(), 
    res2.begin() ); // often works...

Another alternative would be to dispense with copy and just hand code the operation using list’s push_back operation.

for( vector<State>::iterator i( 
    src.begin() );
    i != src.end(); ++i )
    res.push_back( *i );

What we’d really like is the effect of a push_back while retaining the ability to use a standard generic algorithm. Note that there is nothing in the definition or implementation of the copy algorithm that requires an assignment operator to perform an assignment. All that’s required is that the assignment syntax be supported and that the semantics do something reasonable. (Reasonable, as we shall see throughout this column, is a delightfully flexible term.) The standard approach to this copy problem is to employ a back_insert_iterator.

copy( src.begin(), src.end(), 
    back_inserter( res ) );

A back_insert_iterator is initialized with a container that supports the push_back operation and defines assignment to perform a push_back into the container. The syntax of the resulting iterator usage is impeccable; it just changes the meaning of assignment to something more appropriate. Let’s look at a typical implementation.

template <class Cont>
class back_insert_iterator
    : public std::iterator<
        void,void,void,void> {
    back_insert_iterator( Cont &c )
        : c_(&c){}
    back_insert_iterator &
    operator =( const typename
        Cont::value_type &v ) {
        c_->push_back( v );
        return *this; }
    back_insert_iterator &operator *()
        { return *this; }
    back_insert_iterator &operator ++()
        { return *this; }
    back_insert_iterator operator ++(int)
        { return *this; }
    Cont *c_;

Like all good, STL-compliant iterators that are implemented as classes, back_insert_iterator is derived from the standard iterator base class. This ensures that the iterator defines the proper set of type names and can be interrogated at compile time as to its properties [2]. The only property typically of interest to users of a back_insert_iterator is the iterator category, defined appropriately as the standard output_iterator_tag type. Most of the operations are no-ops, except assignment, which is defined to perform the push_back. This means our “problem area” line in the copy algorithm above, written as *r = *b;, will be translated as:

(r.operator *()).operator =( *b );

The operator * just returns its object, and operator = inlines the push_back, so we’re left with:

r.c_->push_back( *b );

Simple and effective. The syntax required for instantiating and initializing a back_insert_iterator is tedious enough for us to employ a helper function.

template <class Cont>
back_inserter( Cont &c )
    { return 
back_insert_iterator<Cont>( c ); }

In effect, we use the compiler’s ability to perform template argument deduction for function templates to instantiate the class template for us.

copy( src.begin(), src.end(),
    back_inserter(res) ); // with helper
copy( src.begin(), src.end(),
list<State> >(res) ); // without

Raw Deal

Consider a class type that has non-encapsulated resources, like a financial bond deal with an associated pricing algorithm [3].

class Bond {
    Bond &operator =( const Bond &that ) {
        if( this != &that ) {
            delete m_; // problem area
            m_ = that.m_->clone();
        return *this;
    PVModel *m_;

The line indicated as a problem area is perfectly correct. An assignment operation is similar (but not identical!) to a destruction of the target of the assignment followed by its initialization; it’s perfectly proper for a bond’s assignment to delete its existing pricing model before attaching a new one. But what if we engage in foul trickery?

extern Bond x;
Bond *buf = static_cast<Bond *>
    (malloc( sizeof(Bond) )); // raw storage...
Bond &rx = *buf; // foul trickery...
rx = x; // probable error!

An assignment operator must assume that it is working with two objects, but in this case we’re dealing with one object (the right argument) and a block of uninitialized storage (the left argument). As a result, we may attempt to delete a bad pointer value. Code like the above is actually fairly hard to produce in isolation, except as an act of malice aforethought. However, it’s not uncommon to use the standard library to leverage an error like this into existence.

extern Bond a[10];
Bond *ary = static_cast<Bond *>(malloc( 10*sizeof(Bond) ));
copy( a, a+10, ary ); // oops!

In this case, the clever author of this code is attempting to circumvent the cost or unavailability of a default initialization of an array of Bonds by copying into uninitialized storage. What is really needed here is not assignment, but copy construction. Well, why not? A raw_storage_iterator reinterprets assignment to do just that.

template <class Out, class T>
class raw_storage_iterator
    : public std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag,
        void,void,void,void> {
    explicit raw_storage_iterator( Out cur )
        : cur_(cur) {}
    raw_storage_iterator &operator *()
        { return *this; }
    raw_storage_iterator &operator =( const T& element );
    raw_storage_iterator &operator ++()
        { ++cur_; return *this; }
    raw_storage_iterator operator ++( int ) {
        raw_storage_iterator tmp( *this );
        return tmp;
    Out cur_;

As with a back_insert_iterator, we are primarily concerned with the semantics of assignment, but we must also implement the increment operations on the underlying iterator. I understand that some readers may be upset to see that the dereference operator returns a raw_storage_iterator rather than an object of type T. However, a raw_storage_iterator is an output iterator, and only usage that employs both dereference and assignment must have a useful meaning. In other words, if o is an output iterator, and v is a compatible value, then only *o = v is required to mean anything useful [4].

It is impossible to call a constructor directly, or to take its address, so assignment uses the placement form of new to trick the compiler into invoking a copy constructor.

template <typename Out, typename T>
raw_storage_iterator<Out,T> &
raw_storage_iterator<Out,T>::operator =( const T &v ) {
    T *elem = &*cur_; // cur_ is initializing iterator
    new ( elem ) T(v); // placement and copy constructor
    return *this;

Now we can use a raw_storage_iterator to copy into unintialized storage without untoward side effects. Note that no helper function is provided. A raw_storage_iterator is typically used deep in the implementation of some other feature that is written and maintained by troll-like programmers who actually prefer the arcane template instantiation syntax.

Bond *ary = static_cast<Bond *>(malloc( 10*sizeof(Bond) ));
copy( a, a+10,
    raw_storage_iterator<Bond *, Bond>( ary ) );

Which Way? Both!

Now that we’ve seen a couple of useful iterator adapters, let’s engage in a somewhat less serious design problem. Suppose we’d like to write to several different output streams simultaneously, rather than in sequence. For example, we might want to copy the same sequence to both a vector and to an output stream, or to a vector and the end of a list, and so on. Let’s design a MultiOut iterator adapter that allows us to do just that.

Bond a[12];
list<Bond> lb;
vector<Bond> vb( 6 );
Bond *b = static_cast<Bond *>(malloc( sizeof(a) ));
copy( a, a+6,
    multiOut( vb.begin(),
        ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " ") ) );
copy( a, a+6,
    multiOut( vb.begin(), back_inserter(lb) ) );
copy( a, a+6,
    multiOut( lb.begin(),
        raw_storage_iterator<Bond *, Bond>(b) ) );

Our first task is to make sure that our new iterator type properly defines its iterator traits and identifies itself as an output iterator. As before, we’ll employ the standard iterator base class. A MultiOut adapter is instantiated with two output iterator types.

template <typename Out1, typename Out2>
class MultiOut : public std::iterator<
        // this is an output iterator
    typename std::iterator_traits<Out1>::value_type,
        // use Out1’s value
        // difference_type not used

Note that, in specifying the second argument to the iterator base class, we arbitrarily chose the value_type of the first template argument to be the value_type of the MultiOut. This will allow us to instantiate a MultiOut with different value types, provided that the value_type of Out1 can be converted implicitly to that of Out2.

int a[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6 };
list<int> li;
vector<double> vd;
deque<int> di( 6 );
copy( a, a+6,
    multiOut( di.begin(), 
    back_inserter(vd) ) );

We initialize a MultiOut with two output iterators and provide a helper function to perform the instantiation.

template <typename Out1, typename Out2>
class MultiOut : public iterator< 
    /*...*/ > {
    MultiOut( Out1 a, Out2 b ) 
    : _a( a ), _b( b ) {}
    Out1 _a;
    Out2 _b;
template <typename Out1, typename Out2>
multiOut( Out1 a, Out2 b )
    { return 
MultiOut<Out1,Out2>( a, b ); }

We provide the standard output operator operations of increment and “dereferenced assignment” to perform those operations on each subsidiary iterator in sequence [5].

template <typename Out1, typename Out2>
class MultiOut : public iterator< 
    /*...*/ > {
    MultiOut &operator ++()
        { ++_a; ++_b; return *this; }
    MultiOut operator ++(int)
        { MultiOut tmp( *this ); ++*this; return tmp; }
    MultiOut &operator =( const value_type &v )
        { *_a = v; *_b = v; return *this; }
    MultiOut &operator *()
        { return *this; }

That’s all there is to it. However, it might also be nice to write simultaneously to three, four, or more output streams. The simplest way to achieve this is to recognize that a MultiOut is, itself, an output iterator. We can then provide additional helper functions to cascade MultiOuts for us.

template <typename Out1, typename Out2>
struct M2{ typedef MultiOut<Out1,Out2> 
    T; };

template <typename Out1, typename Out2,
    typename Out3>
struct M3{ typedef MultiOut<Out1,
    M2<Out2,Out3>::T> T; };

template <class Out1, class Out2, 
    class Out3, class Out4>
struct M4{ typedef MultiOut<Out1,
    M3<Out2,Out3,Out4>::T> T; };

template <class Out1, class Out2, 
    class Out3>
multiOut( Out1 a, Out2 b, Out3 c ) {
    return M3<Out1,Out2,Out3>
    ::T( a, multiOut(b,c) );

template <typename Out1, typename Out2,
    typename Out3, typename Out4>
multiOut( Out1 a, Out2 b, 
    Out3 c, Out4 d ) {
    return M4<Out1,Out2,Out3,Out4>
    ::T( a, multiOut(b,c,d) );

This gives us the convenience of broadcasting to an unbounded number (here, four) of output sinks. This allows us to solve the common problem of writing simultaneously to the back of a vector, the front and back of a list, and the front of a deque.

copy( a, a+6,
    multiOut( back_inserter(vd), 
            back_inserter( li ),
            front_inserter(di)) );

Standard Whining

Unfortunately, that last piece of code may not compile on all platforms. In fact, if we had been a little less circumspect with some of our earlier uses of MultiOut, we would have had the same portability difficulties. For example, our earlier example of copying to a vector and the end of a list is portable.

copy( a, a+6,
    multiOut( vb.begin(), 
    back_inserter(li) ) );

However, if we reverse the arguments to the multiOut helper, the code may not compile on many platforms.

copy( a, a+6,
    multiOut( back_inserter(li), 
    vb.begin() ) );

The problem is that the back_insert_iterator template, as we defined it above, has no value_type, or, more precisely, its value_type is defined to be void. For its part, the MultiOut template (arbitrarily) chooses the value_type of its first template argument to construct the argument used by its definition of operator =, const value_type &. If the first template argument neglects to define a value_type, then MultiOut will attempt to define an illegal argument type of const void &.

The reason back_insert_iterator may not define a value_type is that it is precisely an output iterator, without also being a more general iterator. (On the contrary, the iterator returned by vb.begin() is an output iterator, but it is also an input, forward, bidirectional, and random access iterator as well.) The reason output iterators are allowed to get away with this is a little obscure (at least, it is to me) [6].

The Standard says in section 24.1 that “All iterators i support the expression *i, resulting in a value of some class, enumeration, or built-in type T, called the value type of the iterator.” This is clearly not the case for most implementations of pure output iterators, like back_insert_iterator and raw_storage_iterator, where operator * returns a proxy object for use in “dereferenced assignment,” typically a reference to the iterator itself. In section 24.1.2, we see that operator * may not necessarily be used by itself on an output iterator, but only in the context of dereferenced assignment. This restriction may be used, I suppose, to exempt the earlier statement of section 24.1. In my opinion, a more useful definition of value_type is, quite naturally, the type of a value in the sequence. This is a concept that is well defined for all iterator types, and, as we’ve seen with the implementation of MultiOut, it renders the resulting iterator more useful. Most importantly, it would help us to avoid the problems of using constructs that may or may not support a particular feature; this leads to complexity and unportability.

The particular problem with value_type in the context of output iterators is that it often exists simply by accident, as an artifact of a particular implementation. For example, consider the declaration of assignment that we used in our implementation of back_insert_iterator above.

    operator =( const typename Cont::value_type &v );

Another perfectly rational implementation might have employed a typedef.

typedef typename Cont::value_type value_type;
back_insert_iterator &
    operator =( const value_type &v );

This second version of back_insert_iterator defines a value_type within the template and can, therefore, be used as the first argument to the MultiOut template. This is the kind of undocumented and unstable state of affairs that makes our lives miserable when porting to a new environment or when accepting a new version of an existing library. It would be much better, I think, for the Standard to require that every output iterator define a value_type.

template <class Cont>
class back_insert_iterator
    : public std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag,
        typename Cont::value_type,

Stepping Back, Going Forward

STL generic algorithms can be customized by a variety of mechanisms. As we have seen in the previous installment of “Common Knowledge,” a generic algorithm can be customized through compile time queries of its iterator’s capabilities and by allowing customization of its predicates and comparators. In this installment, we’ve seen how to modify the semantics of a generic algorithm indirectly, by modifying the semantics of its output iterators through the use of output iterator adapters. In effect, a properly designed generic algorithm is often only a high-level suggestion of an algorithm’s intent, whose concrete semantics are determined by many different components. We’ll continue in this vein in the next installment of this column, where we’ll use some simple template metaprogramming to create an unusual input iterator adapter.


[1] Note that it also requires that the State class provide a default constructor, which is both costly and restrictive, since many useful classes do not offer defaults. Another alternative would be to dispense with the copy algorithm and employ an alternate form of the list constructor, as in list<State> res2( src.begin(), src.end() );. This will probably work on most compilers, depending on the implementation of vector<State>::iterator. However, the moderately different list<State> res3( res2.begin(), res2.end() ); will likely fail on compilers that do not support template member functions.

[2] See the previous installment of this column, “Common Knowledge: Conventional Generic Algorithms,” C/C++ Users Journal, October 2001. Note that some authors, including the venerable Dr. Stroustrup (The C++ Programming Language, 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley, 1997, pp. 562-3), will on occasion derive an iterator from std::iterator_traits rather than std::iterator. Although either will have the same practical effect at present, I disagree with this approach. First, public inheritance from the iterator base class is an explicit statement that you are creating a new iterator type; there in no such implication when deriving from iterator_traits. Second, iterator and iterator_traits are separate entities, and there is no guarantee that they will always be interchangeable in this regard. For example, in the future, iterator may define additional information that is not present in iterator_traits.

[3] For those who are keeping score, this is an instance of the Strategy pattern.

[4] The best and most complete discussion of this and many other fine points of the STL is to be found in Matt Austern’s Generic Programming and the STL (Addison-Wesley, 1999).

[5] Note that the compiler will correctly (in this case) provide the destructor, copy constructor, and assignment operator for MultiOut.

[6] It is also the case that output iterators do not have to define a difference_type or support the equality operators. The reasons behind this indecision are, I think, much more technically defensible than those surrounding the decision not to require a definition of value_type.

Stephen C. Dewhurst (<>) is the president of Semantics Consulting, Inc., located among the cranberry bogs of southeastern Massachusetts. He specializes in C++ consulting, and training in advanced C++ programming, STL, and design patterns. Steve is also one of the featured instructors of The C++ Seminar (<>).

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